Thursday 9 March 2017


Social class

Social class is a group of people within the society that passes the same economic status, often by occupation.

Mise en scene:

In the Merlin clip, you can see that the lower class is wearing thin, rugged clothing. Which looks dirty. Then you can see the higher class wearing a metal armour suite. Which shows he is well protected and upper class compared to what Merlin is wearing.

With the broomstick prop, you can tell that this would be used by the lower class. Therefore, it is significant when the higher class hits him with it, and sweeps dirt on him. In addition, there is the weapons. The higher class only has these weapons and no one else does. It shows that the higher class has more power.

The setting is mostly in the small village where all the lower class people work and live. In the background of the fight, you can see these people are working there. At the beginning, it is almost as if the higher class is walking round checking up on the workers and village.


Merlin in the clip refers to the upper class as lord. Even though this is said in a sarcastic way, it shows the power that the lower class does not have. The word lord is referring to him as better than himself, and as if he is special.

The audience being able to hear the women’s footsteps as she walks through the castle. Shows her authority of the building. Merlin (the lower class) does not have any rights to be in the castle that is why there is upbeat and dark music at the beginning, inferring that this is not a place a lower class person should be. In addition, as we find out he is not supposed to be here.

There is animal noises and sounds of people working in the village as the fight goes on between Merlin and the higher class.


There is editing used when the object are moved around by Merlin’s powers. This contradicts the lower class and Merlin is still very powerful.

There are smooth transitions from scene to scene.

There is a fast pace during the fight, it builds tension and shows how they are scared of the upper class.

Merlin has the most screen time in the clip and this again contradicts the upper class, as we would expect the upper class to be the main person having the screen time. We do not expect to see Merlin’s point of view.


There is a pan shot, which lets us know where we are and it can set the scene.

There is a close up of objects. This is showing the objects that Merlin should not be touching. This is showing him as the lower class and how he has no rights to be touching the upper classes objects.

There is a high view shot looking down on Merlin, making him look small and less powerful. Meaning that the audience is seeing the higher class as big.

There is a low shot of the women walking into the room in the castle.



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