Tuesday 28 March 2017

Regionalism- Doc Martin


In the doc martin clip you can see that there a few shots from his point of view and what he is seeing. You being able to see what he is seeing means the audience can see the type of person that doc martin is. Like when Doc Martin walked towards to the dog in the building, it showed his view point and how he approached the dog steadily and bold. Doc Martin was not afraid and it showed his power as the dog test his patience throughout the whole clip. All the other characters are not bothered about the dog they do not care and this shows how they are used to this.

There is a side view camera shot when Doc martin walks into the police office to take the dog. The side view allows the audience to see how manly and his bold posture. The audience can then see his manly figure and the way he is perceived in the clip, as the characters come from different backgrounds.

There is a mid-shot of his when he is angry. This presents to the audience how angry Doc Martin is and shows his facial features that present this idea clearly. It gives the angry moment emphasis. It shows that Doc Martin has a short temper and that he is a very dominant person. This is showing the complete opposite to all the other characters in the clip.


Doc martin gets the most screen time. This is because out of everyone in the village he is the clear individual that is from another region. Some of the different characters were shown so they can be compared to Doc Martin. Doc Martin is not a regular and has never been to this village before, showing to the audience this is not where he lives or a place he is used to. The most screen time being of Doc Martin allows the audience to see what he is and how he differs from the other characters.


Doc Martin is smartly dressed and he is very professional looking. However most of the other characters are in work clothes and look very causal.

Doc Martin is presented as very down to earth as he shouts at the workers and tells them what to do. He is not afraid to say what he thinks. He has very high expectations we can tell this as the surgery is compared to by him as a mess and he does not expect anything that happened in the clip. He expects all the other people to be like him and be success not failures at doing things right.

Everyone else in the clip is very calm, like when the sink was spraying water the man was very calm and did not panic. He was not bothered at all by it. They are all very friendly and have a good sense of humour. The audience can see this as Doc Martin is known by everyone as they pay attention and how the Doctor is welcomed in to the village by many different characters. Doc Martin and all the other characters are very different people.

The clip is set near the seaside. The clip is based in a small friendly village where everyone works together. We know that Doc Martin is from London, this means that Doc Martin is used to the city and the nice buildings. Also Doc martins normal type of setting would not have a dog that can just walk through and get into the buildings.

A prop that is important in the clip is the sink this is because when it is broken it is Doc Martin that finds the solution and fixes the problem as he grabs a pillow and stop the water from spraying everywhere. He shouts at all the staff and arranges them but telling them what they can do to help. This is showing his bossiness.


Doc Martin said "another down town Londoner" this is how he thinks he is known by the other people. They then prove they come from different regions. As well as this we can tell by the accents of the characters e.g. the man working on the sink. That they are not the same or from the same place. The old man working on the sink said "down here we just go with the flow" This is showing and telling the audience directly that that region is very relaxed and not rushed and planed. It shows that whatever happens down there is resolved in its own time when its right. Whereas Doc Martin likes to get things done quick and professionally.


Thursday 23 March 2017

task 9- Film terminology

Task 8

Technologies used:
It is important in production as the new technology enhances the viewing experience for the audience so they get more value for their money because they are effectively the film industry’s customers. Examples of new technologies within the production process include things such as: Silicon imaging digital cameras, digital held cameras, new editing software like after effects, SFX, computer generated images and the new massive introduction of digital film and 3D technology.

Film companies have excelled in how well they can and are able to distribute and market their films and this is because of the introduction of new technologies. These technologies include: Official websites and blogsites, press and public previews, online competitions, phone apps and social networking sites. The typical and traditional form of marketing a film towards an audience would be in the form of film posters and trailers but as technologies have advanced so has marketing methods.

Film makers can use trailers, film posters; do online marketing such as; official websites and blog sites, public and press previews e.g. interviews, competitions, social networking sites and phone apps. With newer technologies and most of marketing being done online it had become a lot much cheaper for companies to distribute and market products.

Tuesday 21 March 2017


Cutting it
The women is wearing the typical girly girl clothing of a dress with heels. She is not dressed casually. It would not be stereotypical if the woman was wearing tracksuits or normal jeans. It shows the woman as vulnerable and the typical women.
The woman is also shown as very controlled by the man and as a forgiving figure. She says “I know about …” The woman is shown to know everything and she does not seem very angry that her husband has been cheating. And she wants to forgive and forget quickly. It is very stereotypical that the women is seen as not violent or angry.

The man is dressed in a suite and looks like a businessman. Men are seen as hard working and supportive.

The women when she goes to her meeting and is told the news of her health and she cries and looks upset like it is bad news. This is showing the women as emotionally vulnerable and hard to read.

There is a close up of the women’s face when she is told the news of her health and it shows the emotions of her and her vulnerability.

The way the women speaks is very calm and the way the man speaks is very dominant to the woman. “………”
The man is there to support the woman and to make sure she is all right. We can see she is relying on the man for emotional stability.

Hotel babylon


Tuesday 14 March 2017

Audience and cinema going statistics

  • What days do audiences go to the cinema?
  • Audiences have mostly gone to the cinema in December. This can be because of the Christmas half term holiday and how its cold outside so there is nothing else to do.
  • What was the top film in each of these genres?
  • horror- Split
    sci fi- star wars
    thriller- Arrival
    action- Deadpool
    animation- Sing
    adventure- Hunger games
    mystery- Girl on the train
    crime- Girl on the train

  • How do audiences hear about films?

  • Audiences hear about films by the social media and by film trailers that come out and advertise. Social media is used all the time these days so this allows an easy advertisement.

  • Do audiences prefer US, UK or other nationality films?

  • Audiences prefer US films more because they are have the well known actors in and typically the US is associated to have more issues and drama.

  • Do audiences like 3D films?

  • Audiences do like to watch 3D films as it makes the experience more real life and keeps the audiences interacted.
  • What other ways to audiences watch film aside from the cinema?

  • Other ways films can watched is on the internet and this can be illegal. But aside from that there are things like Netflix and amazon that can allow you to pay monthly to watch films. DVD's are still being used to watch films as well.

  • Who do audiences go to the cinema with?

  • Audiences go to the cinema with their family and friends. It allows the audience to interact socially and go on days out.

    Monday 13 March 2017

    Representation of sexuality

    Torch wood

    In the clip you can hear one of the characters saying "tea boy , part time shag , cheap kiss" This is inferring to the sexual relationships between 2 of the characters.
    There is feminine music playing which can infer about the characters sexuality, for the gay men. However when the gay men dance together the music changes to emotional and dramatic. So the audience can embrace the moment. All the background noise goes so that the moment is concentrated on.
    When the two men kiss the music is very slow, and romantic which shows that there is a relationship between them .
    The main men in this clip are dressed in British Navy uniform. People within the army/navy are typically stereotyped to be heterosexual where as these actors are known to be gay which wouldn't have been accepted.

    Thursday 9 March 2017

    Task 6

    Task 5


    Social class

    Social class is a group of people within the society that passes the same economic status, often by occupation.

    Mise en scene:

    In the Merlin clip, you can see that the lower class is wearing thin, rugged clothing. Which looks dirty. Then you can see the higher class wearing a metal armour suite. Which shows he is well protected and upper class compared to what Merlin is wearing.

    With the broomstick prop, you can tell that this would be used by the lower class. Therefore, it is significant when the higher class hits him with it, and sweeps dirt on him. In addition, there is the weapons. The higher class only has these weapons and no one else does. It shows that the higher class has more power.

    The setting is mostly in the small village where all the lower class people work and live. In the background of the fight, you can see these people are working there. At the beginning, it is almost as if the higher class is walking round checking up on the workers and village.


    Merlin in the clip refers to the upper class as lord. Even though this is said in a sarcastic way, it shows the power that the lower class does not have. The word lord is referring to him as better than himself, and as if he is special.

    The audience being able to hear the women’s footsteps as she walks through the castle. Shows her authority of the building. Merlin (the lower class) does not have any rights to be in the castle that is why there is upbeat and dark music at the beginning, inferring that this is not a place a lower class person should be. In addition, as we find out he is not supposed to be here.

    There is animal noises and sounds of people working in the village as the fight goes on between Merlin and the higher class.


    There is editing used when the object are moved around by Merlin’s powers. This contradicts the lower class and Merlin is still very powerful.

    There are smooth transitions from scene to scene.

    There is a fast pace during the fight, it builds tension and shows how they are scared of the upper class.

    Merlin has the most screen time in the clip and this again contradicts the upper class, as we would expect the upper class to be the main person having the screen time. We do not expect to see Merlin’s point of view.


    There is a pan shot, which lets us know where we are and it can set the scene.

    There is a close up of objects. This is showing the objects that Merlin should not be touching. This is showing him as the lower class and how he has no rights to be touching the upper classes objects.

    There is a high view shot looking down on Merlin, making him look small and less powerful. Meaning that the audience is seeing the higher class as big.

    There is a low shot of the women walking into the room in the castle.



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